Line Following Event Rules
All rules and event details are subject to change. Best effort will be made to provide notice, but no guarantees.
Robot Specifications
- Robots must be autonomous. Data links to off-board computers allowed, but no teleoperation. In other words, no human-operated remote controls.
- The maximum robot width is 8.5″. The maximum robot length is 11″.
- The robot must start the race in this orientation. So, one cannot angle the robot one way for qualification measuring and then rotate the robot to a different orientation for starting the race.
- There are no constraints on robot height.
- There are no constraints on robot weight.
Track Specifications
- The track surface is assembled from 11 3/4 inch (298 mm) squares of 1/4 in (6 mm) hardboard. Each square may be plus or minus 1/8 inch (3 mm) in size.
- The track surface may have discontinuities, not to exceed 1/8 inch (3 mm).
- The track surface is painted flat white.
- The course line is 3/4 inch (19 mm) wide, plus or minus 1/8 inch (3 mm).
- The course line is painted flat black.
- The course line may have discontinuities, not to exceed 1/8 inch (3mm).
- The course line may be curved, with a centerline radius of 6 inches (152 mm).
- The robot must deal with the lighting conditions as they appear. That is, room lighting and window drapes will be set as desired by the judges and won’t be modified for individual contestants. Also, flash photography and IR focusing cameras will be allowed, unless the judges deem such activities as interfering with the ability to hold the event in general.
Race Operations
- Each robot gets one or more opportunities to “test drive” on the track for testing and calibration.
- Test opportunities are first-come, first-served.
- One robot races on the track at a time.
- Multiple restarts will be allowed, at the discretion of the judges.
Race Scoring
- The robot must complete three laps of the track for a run to qualify. The total time for all three laps will be recorded for each run.
- The robot can begin the race while moving. Its not required to start from a stopped position.
- The robot with the fastest time to complete all three laps will be the winner.
- A machine that has no part of its structure over the course line, or is clearly not steering in response to the course line, is no longer tracking the course line. The wandering robot must be restored to the line, or it will be disqualified at the discretion of the judges.
- The penalty for restoring a wandering robot is 5 seconds for each time the robot is touched. This time penalty will be added to the total time.
- A robot which cannot track the course line will be disqualified, at the sole discretion of the judges.
Sample Track
Here is one example of how the track might be laid out.

Additional Information
Please direct questions and comments regarding this contest to the Vancouver Robotics Club mailing list, to the attention of Bob Cook or Markus Lampert.